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What we offer

We offer a number of programs and services to support your child’s early years learning.

Preschool program


Your child can attend preschool for up to 15 hours per week.

Children can attend Eden Hills Kindergarten for 5 days per fortnight – 3 days one week and 2 days the next. The days you prefer your child to come will depend on availability.

8.30am to 3pm 8.30am to 3pm 8.30am to 3pm 8.30am to 3pm Playgroup
9am to 11am


The family contribution is $260 per term. This includes: lunch care, excursions, incursions, a hat and a library bag. See our enrolment and fees page for more information.

What to bring

Children need to bring these items each day:

  • bag
  • hat
  • change of clothes
  • drink bottle containing water
  • healthy snack (fruit, cheese)
  • raincoat and gum boots in term 2 and term 3.

If your child is at kindy for a full day, they also need to bring:

  • packed lunch
  • extra healthy snack.

Children should wear clothes they can play in and go to the toilet by themselves in.

Please write your child’s name on all their belongings. The lost property box is near the front gate.

What not to bring

Children should not bring these things:

  • food containing nuts (some children have nut allergies that can be dangerous)
  • unhealthy food or drink (lollies, chocolate, chips, bars or processed food).

Additional information

We have a bush block at the back of our kindergarten which we use in term 2 and term 3. We use the bush block in our curriculum planning to extend children’s literacy and numeracy and to give them the opportunity to explore and play in nature.

Your child’s birthday is celebrated with a play dough cake. They will receive a birthday sticker and can wear a special crown.

Our making box often needs boxes and bits and pieces. Please speak with us if you have anything interesting or rare to donate.

We have a variety of special events during the year. These include twilight kindy, pancake breakfast, excursions, an annual arts show, Reconciliation Week activities and morning teas to support charities.

See our curriculum (PDF 136KB) for children’s activities and resources you can borrow to take home.

Please read our drop-off and pick-up procedure (PDF 132KB).

Lunch care

Lunch care is offered to children who stay for a full day. It links the morning and afternoon sessions.


Children are cared for between 11.30am and 12.00 noon.


This program costs $6 per day.

What to bring

Please give your child a packed lunch.

Extended care

If your child attends an afternoon or full day preschool session with us they can access the out of hours school care (OHSC) program run by Eden Hills Primary School. To ensure their safety, we will walk your child to their OHSC session.


Eden Hills Primary School’s OSHC program runs on school days from 3.15pm to 6.15pm.


The cost to walk your child to Eden Hills Primary School OHSC is $5 per session.

You will need to contact Eden Hills Primary School directly for information on the cost of their OSHC program.

Nature Playgroup

A play-based outdoor experience for 0 - 5 year olds and their families taking place on Kaurna Tarta at Eden Hills Kindergarten. Our supported playgroup is run every week. You and your child can meet other families and spend time learning together.


Children and their families can come on Friday mornings 9am to 11am.


This program costs a gold coin donation plus an annual Playgroup SA membership.

What to bring

Please bring a drink bottle containing water and a healthy snack.

Additional information

Nappy changing facilities are available.