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Enrolment and fees

Enrolling your child

You can register your interest to enrol your child with us by using the preschool registration of interest form. This form is also available from us.

Priority will be given to children living in our catchment area. If you don’t live in our catchment area you should indicate at least 2 other preschool options on your form.

Starting preschool

Government preschools have two major enrolment intakes each year, where children are eligible to access their full preschool entitlement (15 hours per week).

Intake 1 for children starting at the beginning of the year (term 1), and intake 2 for children starting mid-year (term 3).

  • Intake 1 - Children who turn 4 years of age before 1 May, are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of each year (term 1).
  • Intake 2 - Children who turn 4 years of age before 1 November are eligible to start preschool mid-year the same year (term 3).

Children who turn 4 years of age on or after 1 November are eligible to start preschool in intake 1 the following year.

Eligible children who enrol after the commencement of each intake are able to start at a mutually agreed time between the parents and principal/preschool director (‘director’).

It is recommended families consider their child’s readiness to commence preschool before enrolling in a preschool program. When a family decide their child will commence school in the year they turn 6 years of age, the child is eligible to access preschool in the 4 terms prior to commencing school

Before your child starts

We will contact you early in term 4 for the term one enrolments and late in term three for the mid year enrolments about an orientation session. This will be a 2-hour session for your child to stay and play. Parents are encouraged to leave if their child is settled and feels confident to stay on their own.


We ask you to contribute towards the cost of your child attending preschool.

The parent contribution is $600 per year. You can choose to pay the total amount at the beginning of the year or to pay instalments of $300 in term 1 and 2, Midyear enrolments in term 3 and 4        Discount applies when paying the entire fees in first instalment (term 1 or term3) of $550.

When to pay

We will invoice you by week 2 via your child's note pocket.

Please contact us if you are having difficulty paying.

How to pay

Cash or EFT

You can pay cash at the kindy. If you are paying by cash, please put the money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front, amount enclosed and reason for payment. Please fill in the payments ledger on the sign in counter and put the envelope in the locked payments box attached to the side of sign in.

EFT information

We prefer our families to pay by direct deposit.

BSB: 065153

Account number: 00901208

Please put your child’s name and reason in the notes as the reference.